How will Pods source intents?
Our long-term vision is a world where requests for inferences are simply routed to pods as intents who satisfy them. We also envision an overarching model that provides a chatGPT like experience.
Our tokenomics incentivizes Reppo Pods to actively engage in seeking relevant monetization pathways for their on-chain intelligence. While pods might earn points serving inference requests, there is no token mining associated with producing intelligence. Other mechanisms to source intents include:
Partnering with companies such as Phacet Labs that can help us route demand from businesses to Reppo Pods and the ModelRivet platform.
Investing in research on use-cases for Verifiable AI and partnering with DeAI Infra providers to route traffic to Pods from both ends.
Incentives to encourage the first 100 individuals and organization to bootstrap Reppo Pods
Last updated